Sicherheitsnetz Typ S – VISOR-S

  • Safety Net Type S – Metallic Structure – VISOR-S
  • Safety Net Type S – Steel Decking – VISOR-S
  • Safety Net Type S – Shaft – VISOR-S

EN 1263.1 Sicherheitsnetz Typ-S

Auffangnetz mit Randseil für horizontalen Einsatz aus hochfestem Nylon / Polyamid oder Polypropylen und mit UV-Schutz.

Diese Art von Netz wird normalerweise an Standorten wie Industriegebäuden, Brücken, Viadukten, Überführungen von Bauarbeiten usw. angebracht. Das Übliche ist, maßgeschneiderte Netze zu verwenden, um den Anforderungen der Baustelle besser gerecht zu werden.


Absturzsicherungssystem für die Installation von Metallstrukturen in Industrieanlagen, Oberlichtern, Innenhöfen oder Baulücken.


Sicherheitsnetz EN-1263.1 SA2Q *


  • 100 mm
  • 80 mm
  • 60 mm

* Die Sicherheitsnorm EN-1263.1 definiert die Mindestgröße des Netzes, dessen kürzeste Seite 5 Meter und dessen Oberfläche mehr als 35 m2 überschreiten darf.

Befestigungsseil zertifiziert nach EN 1263.1. Seil zur Befestigung des Randseils des Netzes an einer geeigneten Stütze der Struktur (Träger oder Arkaden).

  • Typ M. (Mindestzugfestigkeit > 30 kN)
  • Typ Z. (Mindestzugfestigkeit > 15 kN) (mit einem Zweig mit doppelter Last verwendet)
  • Kupplungsseil. Zertifizierte EN 1263-1 Typ O (Mindestzugfestigkeit 7,5 oN). Es verbindet zwei oder mehr Sicherheitsnetze.


Knotenloses Polypropylen

Eine Schicht – Knotenloses Polypropylen

Zwei Schichten – Knotenloses Polypropylen

Drei Schichten – Knotenloses Polypropylen

Geknotetes Polyamid

Eine Schicht – Geknotetes Polyamid

Zwei Schichten – Geknotetes Polyamid

Drei Schichten – Geknotetes Polyamid

Technische Daten

Knotted Safety net SA2Q100 PA

Raw material mesh 100 % high-tenacity polyamide
Type of net Knotted
Energy of the net A2
Configuration of the mesh Square “Q”
Size of the mesh 100 mm
Diameter of the mesh rope 4.5 mm
Minimum breaking force of the mesh rope 2.2 kN
Breaking energy of the net 4.70 kJ
Raw material border rope 100% polysteel
Breaking strength border rope 30 kN (rope type K according to EN-1263.1:2014)
Diameter of the border rope 13 mm
Net dimensions Appear on the label of the net
Manufacturing date of the net Appears on the label of the net
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour White / Black
Weight 210 gr/m2

Knotted Safety net Type S Q100 PA

Raw material mesh 100 % high-tenacity polyamide
Type of net Knotted
Configuration of the mesh Square “Q”
Size of the mesh 100 mm from knot to knot, thermofixed at 160º C
Diameter of the mesh rope 6 mm
Breaking force of the mesh rope 4.54 kN
Impact energy absorption 23,70 kJ
Raw material border rope 100% polysteel
Breaking strength border rope 30 kN
Diameter of the border rope 12 mm
Net dimensions Appear on the label of the net
Manufacturing date of the net Appears on the label of the net
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour White / Black
Weight 370 gr/m2

Knotless Safety Net VA2Q100 PP

Raw material mesh 100% high-tenacity polypropylene
Type of net Knotless
Energy of the net B1
Configuration of the mesh Square “Q”
Size of the mesh 60 mm
Diameter of the mesh rope 5 mm
Minimum breaking force of the mesh rope 2.2 kN
Energy characteristic value 4.4 kJ
Raw material border rope 100% polysteel
Breaking strength border rope 30 kN (rope type K according to EN-1263.1:2014)
Diameter of the border rope 13 mm
Net dimensions Appear on the label of the net
Manufacturing date of the net Appears on the label of the net
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour Blue
Weight 345 gr/m2

Knotless Safety Net SB1Q60 PP + tools net 20 mm mesh

Raw material Safety net: 100 % high-tenacity polyprolylene
Tools net: 100 % high-tenacity polyprolylene
Type of net Safety net: Knotless / Tools net: Knotless
Energy of the net B1
Configuration of the mesh Square “Q”
Size of the mesh Safety net: 60 mm / Tools net: 20 mm
Diameter of the mesh rope Safety net: 5 mm / Tools net: 2 mm
Minimum breaking force of the mesh rope 2.2 kN
Energy absorption 4.8 kJ
Raw material border rope Safety net: 100% polysteel
Breaking strength border rope Safety net: 20 kN (rope type W according to EN-1263.1:2014)
Diameter of the border rope Safety net: 10 mm
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour Safety net: Blue / Tools net: Black
Weight 560 gr/m2

Knotless Safety Net SB1Q60 PP

Raw material mesh 100% high-tenacity polypropylene
Type of net Knotless
Energy of the net B1
Configuration of the mesh Square “Q”
Size of the mesh 60 mm
Diameter of the mesh rope 5 mm
Minimum breaking force of the mesh rope 2.2 kN
Energy characteristic value 4.4 kJ
Raw material border rope 100% polysteel
Breaking strength border rope 30 kN (rope type K according to EN-1263.1:2014)
Diameter of the border rope 13 mm
Net dimensions Appear on the label of the net
Manufacturing date of the net Appears on the label of the net
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour Blue
Weight 345 gr/m2

Knotless Safety Net SB1Q45 PP

Raw material mesh 100% high-tenacity polypropylene
Type of net Knotless
Energy of the net B1
Configuration of the mesh Square “Q”
Size of the mesh 45 mm
Diameter of the mesh rope 5 mm
Minimum breaking force of the mesh rope 2.2 kN
Energy characteristic value 4.4 kJ
Raw material border rope 100% polysteel
Breaking strength border rope 30 kN (rope type K according to EN-1263.1:2014)
Diameter of the border rope 13 mm
Net dimensions Appear on the label of the net
Manufacturing date of the net Appears on the label of the net
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour Green
Weight 395 gr/m2

Knotless Safety Net SA2Q100 PP

Raw material mesh 100% high-tenacity polypropylene
Type of net Knotless
Energy of the net A2
Configuration of the mesh Square “Q”
Size of the mesh 100 mm
Diameter of the mesh rope 5 mm
Minimum breaking force of the mesh rope 2.2 kN
Energy characteristic value 4.91 kJ
Raw material border rope 100% polysteel
Breaking strength border rope 30 kN (rope type K according to EN-1263.1:2014)
Diameter of the border rope 13 mm
Net dimensions Appear on the label of the net
Manufacturing date of the net Appears on the label of the net
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour Green / Blue / Red / Yellow
Weight 210 gr/m2

Tie rope 30 kN (braided PP rope)

Raw material 100% high-tenacity polypropylene
Breaking strengh 30 kN (braided rope type M without loops / bights)
Diameter 12 mm
Coil / bobbin length 100 m
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour White
Weight 79 gr/m

Tie rope 30 kN

Raw material 100 % high-tenacity polyamide
Breaking strengh 30 kN (wired rope type M without loops / bights)
Diameter 12 mm
Coil / bobbin length 100 m
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour White
Weight 65.72 gr/m

Coupling Rope 7.5kN

Raw material 100% high-tenacity polypropylene
Breaking strengh 7.5 kN (braided rope type O without loops / bights)
Diameter 6 mm
Coil / bobbin length 100 m
UV treatment Yes (300 klY)
Colour White
Weight 11.60 gr/ml

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